Community Day

by Luke, in Uganda
13th December, 2009

Hardcore community day – loved it. Wasn’t too sure what to expect, in fact none of us were, but it was brilliant. Treated about 300 animals – cows, goats, chickens and pigs and there wasn’t a dull moment. There is a huge amount to relate about the community project set up by Joy Howell which is a fantastic venture and really making a difference to the people here – anyone wishing to volunteer and help work at the school would have a wonderful trip. The school itself has six classrooms – three of which are concrete and it runs classes for 400 pupils who come from all over the region. It has an amazing feel to the place and getting behind this venture is a must. Charlie Garret, a Scottish vet and ex University professor, sadly passed away last year but worked with Joy to set up a poultry unit to help the local children get better nutrition from eating eggs – it is brilliant and working well. It was wonderful to see what he has created and the improvement it has made to the people.
The above doesn’t do justice to the project Joy has set up here – it really is something special and very worthy of support and aid. The plan is to now really up the support teams from WVS for this project and I promise anyone coming on this trip, you will have an absolutely amazing time. I’ll expand on this on the WVS site when I’m back but this project is perfect for non-vets as there is so much to help out with in the school so fingers crossed you get involved.

Fairly beat – tomorrow is a big day, off to see the gorillas so getting my strength up ready for a mountain trek – should be the business. This is one whirlwind trip. Rest of the crew are all doing great, Adam has a new blackberry which allows him to keep pace with the football scores – very bizarre in such a remote place, but great if you are a football fan. Marc is gearing up for the big trek tomorrow and Nathan has promised to run up the mountain and dazzle us all with his super fitness… promises, promises.

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