Trouble for “The Talent”

by Nathan the Assistant Producer, in Malawi
24th March, 2009

“The Talent”, previously known as Luke “Van Damme” Gamble, got into a bit of an x-rated situation today as he was forcibly abused by a baboon called Bruiser. I don’t want to go into details as it was pretty traumatizing for myself and I presume even worse for “The Talent”. But the baboon DEFINITELY touched him....Continue reading

Back to the wild

by Luke, in Malawi
25th March, 2009

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Role Play

by Marc the Producer, in Malawi
25th March, 2009

Had a great day in the lush Malawian bush. Real privilege to meet Andrea, the researcher who is tracking the release baboons in the wild on a daily basis. She is so dedicated, living out here on her own in the bush for up to six months. Really admire that....Continue reading

Some Paul Simon Song

by Nathan the Assistant Producer, in Malawi
25th March, 2009

What a great day. We visited Kasungu National Park so that Luke could meet Andr-ea (pronounced in a strange, very un-english, manner for some reason) who is a researcher in charge of collecting details of the baboons that have been released from the Lilongwe Wildlife Centre....Continue reading

Lake Malawi

by Luke, in Malawi
26th March, 2009

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Best Salesmen in the World

by Nathan the Assistant Producer, in Malawi
26th March, 2009

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Cow dilemma

by Adam the Cameraman, in Mexico
27th March, 2009

Early start and off to the shelter. Treated a few sheep with nasty nasal discharge, one of which also had horrible scabs all over it’s nose, ears and mouth.. I think it may have a concurrent auto-immune disorder as well as the generalised pneumonia that is amongst the flock, but I treated them all as best I could before heading down to an emergency call that came in. A local farmer who is impoverished and has just had major heart surgery had a herd of cows of which a couple were collapsed and dying. On arrival, the farmer was almost in tears when telling me about the state of his cows (totally about 12 in all) and was worried they had been poisoned. The big cow I first examined had been collapsed for two days in the heat of the Mexican sun and was very much in deaths door. I did my best to drip it, get some drugs into it and get it up, but I couldn’t get it on it’s feet and I suspect its chances of making through the night are slim. I gave it lots of pain killer to ease it’s suffering and the plan is to head back first thing tomorrow morning and see how it is. I also treated another collapsed cow but had a lot more success in getting it up and about. My gut feeling is that rather than poison, these cows are simply starving and the farmer is simply destitute with nowhere to go. I‘m going to help him as much as I can and the grand plan is to take him some food tomorrow morning for his animals. I can’t put my finger on any sort of poison or infectious cause but will have to have a review of things shortly....Continue reading

Primate rescue

by Luke, in Malawi
27th March, 2009

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by Nathan the Assistant Producer, in Malawi
27th March, 2009

It was another long day of filming this time at the Mua Mission – a very unusual place and not really my cup of tea at all. But the story needed covering and so we had to go. In the end it was interesting place and worth a visit – to see the animal cruelty in itself broke my heart and the rescue of the baboon and monkey was very worth while....Continue reading

Final Wrap!! (for Malawi)

by Luke, in Malawi
28th March, 2009

baboon-with-lilwc-badge...Continue reading