Marc’s big move to save the planet

by Luke, in Costa Rica
11th January, 2010

I forgot to metion during yesterday’s excitement that Marc has been making his stand to save the planet. This involved going to the management at the hotel we were staying at and asking them not to clean his room, make his bed or do his washing. Trip ten in the series, three days before the end, definitley caught the rest of us a little by surprise – but there was more in store – because returning last night I discovered that luckily my room hadn;t been touched either. So I also score some points on the saving the planet stakes. The downside is that three local Costa Rican ladies have now lost their jobs and a huge pile of my damp washing (complete with all sorts of muck from the pig op and assorted other animal related activities) could accompany us in the 30degree heat in the car for our nine hour drive today – not my fault. Marc is just really lucky that none of us like to make a fuss and I certainly haven;t gone on about it hardly at all. Quiet as a mouse (sort of)....Continue reading

Almost there

by Luke, in Costa Rica
12th January, 2010

We drove back to the Pacific coast today to get a few frinal shots done and the end piece to camera. It has been a day tinged with sadness because we found out two of the dogs we treated the other day – one we didn;t operate on because it was too sick, hasn’t responded to treatment and has had to be taken to the back up vet in Golfito (who was covering for any post op complications after we left) and a Doberman who I operated on and had a slow recovery from the anaesthetic. The surgery went well but she had lots of stones in her faces, was underweight and probably had ehlricia and heartworm. The vet saw her today – couple of days post surgery – and she was very weak and they advised putting her to sleep. Very sad.
There has also just been an earthquake in Haiti and there is a big storm brewing here – the roads around where we were planning to go yesterday are all sealed shut due to the volcano and flooding and it is definitley picking up outside....Continue reading

Back to the Big Freeze…

by Chris the Assistant Producer, in Costa Rica
13th January, 2010

So it’s coming to the end of the trip and what an adventure it has been. Before I head back to all the snow that is currently taking over the UK I thought I would get a last blog entry in. Firstly, it has been great to see Costa Rica, such a lush, colourful scenic country. The best morning coffee. Friendly people, have met some real characters along the way, who I thank for all their hospitality and to keep up the great work that they are doing. Having seen the work that all these people put into maintaining shelter for all these animals really has given me a new admiration to the commitment, hard graft and care that goes into running the shelters and sanctuaries. Plus, the importance of the work that is done, not only for the species of animals, but for the communities also. Luke really gets stuck in with everything he does, you can see just how much the community, and I’m pretty certain the animals themselves, appreciate the work he is doing to help....Continue reading

It’s the end!!!

by Luke, in Costa Rica
17th January, 2010

The last day of power for the series. It’s done! Finished! What a privilege to have been able to do these programmes, collect so many stamps in my passport and meet so many fantastic and inspiring people. Just had the final flight (42nd in the last ten months) and am now back home and able to shake my head and get back to normal life!...Continue reading