by Luke, in Mexico
23rd July, 2009
What a journey. We spent about 2 hours clearing customs and then a three and a bit hour car journey to base. The biggest news though is that Agatha, Alberto, Pablo and Daniela are about the nicest family you could hope to meet and they have bent over backwards to make sure everything has gone smoothly on our first day. Alberto (the father) and Daniela (daughter) met us at the airport and kindly ferried us to the hotel. The hotel is 7km from the shelter and is lovely. Agatha (founder of the charity and Mother of the family) sorted it all out and after a few hours sleep we met her and Pablo (son) who took us to their home. The home is magical -it has a wonderful warm feeling and the animals seem so happy – they must realise how lucky they are to be living there.

We spent the first couple of hours getting our bearings as they live on a farm, and introduced ourselves to the rescued ostriches, donkeys, horses, dogs, cat, rabbits, turtles etc to name but a few of the animals they have resident there. The rest of the day was filled up with an operation on a poor cat that had an aggressively growing tumour on its back, meeting Raul (a crazy Indiana Jones type character who rescues the more exotic species of animals that are about in the area) and examining some injured birds of prey that Raul is rehabilitating.

Scott is a great guy as well. I was quite worried when Adam said he couldn’t make this shoot because I know and trust him but although it felt that we were missing a core member of the team on the flight out, Adam had assured me Scott was in the zone and he definitely is. I have a feeling it is going to be a brilliant trip.
by Luke, in Mexico
24th July, 2009
by Luke, in Mexico
25th July, 2009
Epic . What a start to the day – an emergency call to rescue a donkey that was stuck up to its neck in a swamp. The call came from a young man called Carlo who is only fifteen but is a complete force and champion for animal welfare. He heads up a rescue charity of local youngsters which saves animals. I was absolutely amazed when I arrived. Carlo was submerged in the swamp with he donkey, his 12 year old brother was behind the wheel of a large digger and a friend of his was on the bank assisting as required. The defeated park ranger who had called them for help was a mere onlooker having failed to save the donkey. My assistance was simply to lend some muscle in getting it out, all the good work had already been done by Carlo whose quick thinking in keeping the donkeys head out of the water and mud, saved its life.

Once we had taken the donkey to a shelter and made sure it was okay, we headed off to a community clinic in the mountains. It was a fantastic afternoon with a few challenging cases; a collapsed calf which need a drip, a horse with a lacerated knee which I stitched and a few other bits and bobs. Agatha and her family were once again amazing because behind the scenes and unbeknownst to me and the team, she rescued two puppies which were found in a sack and also an injured bird. None of the those cases will make the programme because we didn’t know it was going on but it goes to show what tireless, caring people they are and how focused they are on helping animals. Agatha took the puppies back to her already full shelter where hopefully they will be adopted in the not too distant future.
What a great day. Exactly what it’s all about.

by Luke, in Mexico
26th July, 2009
by Luke, in Mexico
28th July, 2009
Fantastic day – got to drive a digger. Noah is going to be proud of his Dad. Massive yellow one as well. The circumstances of this adventure were not quite so fantastic though – in fact they were desperately sad. The farmer’s cow died overnight leaving the farmer in tears. Really choked me to see him so upset – a tough Mexican farmer brought to tears by the helplessness and plight of his situation. The other cow from yesterday was on its feet and looks much brighter, although other animals in the pen still look weak and on the edge.
I post-mortemed the cow – she was completely anaemic throughout all her internal organs and her rumen was full of the worthless short chop straw that the farmer feeds them. He has nothing else and cant afford any better quality feed. The best bit about doing the post mortem was that it helped confirmed the theory that the problem these cows are facing is basically starvation and inadequate nutrition.
The way forward from this was to deliver him lots of food – in fact we ordered far more than will appear on the programme and we didn’t scrimp on it. All of us were choked with emotion for this poor man and his animals are desperate need of help. I jabbed them all with vitamins to perk them up, a couple got some hardcore steroid to help things along and then we embarked on the plan to feed them well.

Back at the sanctuary – couple of cases before driving back to the community that we visited three days ago. The horse leg is looking great which is a big relief.
by Luke, in Mexico
29th July, 2009
Agatha and her family are simply heroic. There is no respite for them as they are overseeing everything and it is a huge itinerary. Poor Alberto had to sort out a puncture first thing before meeting us at the hotel, together with Raul – the crazy Mexican Indiana Jones equivalent – and driving us four hours into a stunning reserve. Raul gave me a lesson in how to handle a deadly rattlesnake (he did all the grabbing as it was extremely angry – he had o let it go at one point as he couldn’t hold it anymore) but with skilful calm, he got things back under control and I had my ‘lesson’. On the vet side I treated a cow with a damaged leg and horse that had suffered a suspected snakebite.
Fairly long day – none of the crew have had lunch any day of the shoot so far and it was about 40 degrees where we were with the rattlesnake so are all fairly beat by now. Scot matches Adam for stamina and is being ultra hardcore – as are Marc and Nathan. The next few days are at the shelter so should be a bit steadier which is brilliant because it is such an amazing place. Need to fundraise to get them some water in the op room – requires some plumbing and a few pipes but would make a world of difference.

On other fronts, Bruce is thinking of adopting the name Lupe for this trip after a hardcore Mexican cowboy we met. It is also a Mexican girls name which means ‘little’ but I’m not sure he knows that. I suspect there is a touch of irony in the hardcore Mexican’s cowboys name but would hate to break the news to Bruce.
by Luke, in Mexico
30th July, 2009
There was a big cause for celebration today as it was the first day of the trip that we managed to get lunch. It was delicious and we had a nice meal with Agatha and her family at the shelter – a chance to sample a tasty Mexican chocolate sauce which I know would have been a big hit back home if I had managed to sneak it into my suitcase. I had a great day because I had a bit of time to crack on with a few of the pets at the shelter that needed some help. Marc got stuck in with me and I also caught Scot on a mission to put some blue spray on a wound he spotted. This vet stuff must be infectious!

Couple of ops, a sad put to sleep on a little dog with a crushed pelvis, a sick puppy that needed a drip and a few other bits and bobs. Had a lot of fun jumping in the well at the shelter (part of a family tradition!) – very cold and I managed to get a leach on me in no time at all, but fantastic nevertheless.
We had a nice meal to say thank you in the evening and sampled some of Mexico’s finest Tequila courtesy of the manager of the El Diezmo Hotel which was an experience to say the least. It basically strips away the lining of your oesophagus on the way down. Almost there with the trip – will be sad to say goodbye to the family and the animals but can’t wait to get back home and see Cords and Noah. The crew are holding up but it’s been a big trip to say the least!
by Luke, in Mexico
31st July, 2009
Things took a turn for the surreal today as another cameraman and Jules (Executive Producer) flew out with a helicopter to do aerial shots. It was excellent driving along being buzzed from above. Very James Bond – except for the shorts, physique, fact I’m a vet and I was limited to going to 50km an hour in a not too special drak green hire truck. I did get a quick five minute ride in the helicopter with Lupe which was great fun and very nice of Jules and Marc to sortas we were incredibly tight on time; but I have to say the highlight of the day was a ride in Pablo’s Pontiac! What a great car! It’s definitely been a trip of new experiences this one!
Big news of note was that we recovered Scot’s bag from the mountains that we left behind (huge relief as it contained all his personal gear). I did a few more driving shots, couple of treatments at the shelter and at the end of the day there was a big formal dinner which Marc and me went to. Scot and Nathan headed back to base to compile a list of last minute shots we needed on our last day and get all the tapes sorted out.
The formal dinner was hilarious – there was some sort of misunderstanding that meant everyone thought we would be filming so a string of traditional craftsmen and women lined up to be interviewed by us! I then had to give a speech about our trip to approx 50 or so governors and officials which turned into a bit of a joke for everyone listening because although Alberto did a magnificent job in translating my ramblings 99% of the time correctly, he confused the word tourist with terrorist which got a bit of a reaction from the local tourist board when I informed them to prepare for the forthcoming influx of terrorists to the area.
There was some great traditional dancing and as normal our Mexican hosts were generous and polite so although a bit of a stretch at the end of an epic day, it was a great last full day to a brilliant trip.
by Luke, in Mexico
1st August, 2009
Last day and home!! Nailed 2 frantic hours taking general shots of me padding about the town, completed a few last minute interviews and then the epic 22 hour journey home!
It has been a really enjoyable trip and aside from the shelter being a truly worthy cause to support, I’ve found Agatha and her family simply incredible, warm and kind people to work with.
I think all of us will always remember this trip with immense fondness and I genuinely hope one day I get to go back there and visit them.

by Luke, in Thailand
20th August, 2009
Centre Parcs was a great weekend away with Cords, Noah, Craig, Jodie and Henry. It’s a resort that offers the chance for babies/toddlers to be completely unleashed amidst hundreds of other babies and toddlers, which means Mums (Cords and Jodie) can relax and Dads (me and Craig) have license to release the inner child. I had a brilliant time in the soft play centre for the under fives. Loved it – except crawling through the tunnel was a bit of a tight fit. But it was totally accepted I had to supervise Noah – loads of Dads were in there – men were virtually grabbing random children so they could have a go in it. Craig and Henry were in the thick of it too and Noah loved rampaging through the obstacles, although he was much quicker than me in getting round the course so I didn’t see him much. Outside, everyone races around on bikes (car free zone) with babies/kids strapped on the back, there are huge swimming pools, water slides, swings, slides and climbing frames at every turn and it was in short, a winner trip.
Unfortunately there have only been a couple of weekends between the last shoot and this one. News from home is that my wife, Cordelia, is pregnant again which is fantastic, Lily the dog whose pelvis was shattered and who I operated on before I left for the last trip is walking – a big high, and I had my 33rd birthday present which was a brilliant ride in a helicopter – 30min lesson – allowing me the chance to scare the wits out of the instructor as I took control and swung us wildly across the sky. I’ve discovered helicopters are very sensitive.
Back to business; there is currently a bit of turbulence as I charge towards Thailand but I’m oblivious because I am flying in style. Booked to fly economy plus (those extra inches make all the difference) – I have been magically upgraded. The story is that Abe (my brother in law) told his best mate (Oli) that I was flying today and Oli happens to be a BA pilot. Within about two minutes of sitting down I was moved up to club world!! It’s incredible!! Cases of ale all round!! I have a big dilemma now because part of me can’t wait to let them team know that I spent a lot of the time lying horizontally on a fully reclining seat being served delicious wine in a real glass (rather than plastic) but part of me feels a bit of solidarity with the boys who are flying out economy. Maybe I’ll just saunter off the plane with my little cloth wash bag to meet them and see if they pick up on it…